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KK Quah

Faculty Staff Quah KK

Faculty and Staff

Faculty Staff Quah KK

KK Quah

Science, Arts


I believe I make a good teacher because I have always been a teacher on some level. In high school, I was part of a science club, giving test-taking tutorials to freshmen and sophomores. In college, I tutored both mathematics and chemistry. Through it all, I learned how to become a better teacher.After my graduate degree, my first job was with Proctor and Gamble in Cincinnati, Ohio as a financial analyst. After Proctor and Gamble, I worked at a paper making plant in Georgia where I decided that in the long run, financial accounting was not for me. However, I did pick up some computer skills in the process and decided to leverage that and go back to USF for computer engineering classes. I subsequently left and took jobs with First Florida Bank, then IKON Office Solutions as Director of Software Development and finally with a capital management company in Clearwater. Though my background has an emphasis on software, I never really lost interest in teaching and I believe that I bring my industry experience into the classroom.

I have a strong belief that robotics tournaments of any kind teach kids to become better problem solvers and better team players. After all, what better way to bond than to work together with peers on a particularly thorny problem and eventually make it work? I hope to impart that kind of persistence and experience to all students in the Robotics Club.I am proud of the following Awards and Experiences:

  • Team Smoke & Mirrors winning FIRST Technology Challenge at FTC World Championship in April 2010 at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta, Georgia
  • Taking teams to VEX World Championships 2014, 2013 and 2011.
  • Team MechMasters 5th highest at FIRST LEGO League Open World Championships at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Read Mr. Quah’s thoughts on student Sharif C.